Tuesday, January 12, 2021

making progress

hello, fellow reader! welcome back to my blog where i dump my thoughts or whatever. i hope you have a quite wonderful day ahead of you :3

anyways, i'm just making a blog post to record my feelings and inner thoughts at the moment about my journey in the arts. i have to say, the experience right now is truly an eye opener for me.

starting off, i've been getting more involved in a site called "Battle of the Bits" which is, in my own words, a community full of talented people who partake in either arts or music. (maybe even both!) 

there's this event called a "One-Hour Battle" in which you would have to make something in an hour. (there's more to this, like the format and the restrictions) and god do i have to say that the people who partake in these events there are hella good! i really do need to step up my game if i even want to hold a candlelight to them~~

next.... is my main channel on youtube! i'm probs going to lean in on music-related content (like HOW TO's and SAMPLE FLIPS) considering i'm a musician hehe.

and yes, i'm very aware that my editing is subpar, the thumbnail looks dumb and my mic quality is quite shitty, but trust me when i say that it gets better!! 

i have several video ideas that are to come for this channel, but i don't want to reveal it in this blog as i'm afraid i won't actually bring them to fruition. (but if i do, let me tell you that it's a big surprise ;))

alrighty, i guess that marks the end of this blog post. thanks for reading and have a nice day!! ^.^

recent entries

making progress = february edition