Thursday, February 11, 2021

making progress = february edition

 why hello there, fellow reader. welcome to my blog which i rarely touch on or remember at all! since a month has passed since the last blog, i reckon i'd dump my thoughts and feelings into a new one. (is that how one uses reckon???)

so, this begs the question; how am i doing in the journey of the arts? let's say that i'm "getting some credit around these parts" :D

as you can see in the screenie above, i've been having constant battles lately at the botb site. and oh boy was it loads of fun! it really has helped me big time in producing some sick tunes. i would probably need to buy an actual midi keyboard later on to make things easier for me. (considering the fact that trackers are HARD to use without one smh)

i've also met some really talented and experienced musicians there omg. like arghhhh the music they compose makes mine look like doo-doo. i really do need to step up my game to match theirs!

next... is fiverr!! i've been getting a bunch of commisions and positive reception as of writing this. your mans do be making that bank tho!!! :flushed: hopefully i could use the money i get from all this to get me some equipment >.<

i also got a sick banner/profile pic from my friend kriskull, please check out his art here! it's really really unique and i LOVE it. i look so badass in this picture omgomg.

well won't you look at that, it's my youtube channel! pretty stagnant lately, as i don't really have an idea of what to do with itttt. anyways, i've always wanted to put vocals into my songs, and i think this is the day i do. (and yes, the song above was made for a vocal battle at the botb site. i won btw hehe) i will most likely become one of those dumb soundcloud rappers, so stay tuned when that happens haha!

that will be all from me. if you actually managed to read this all the way, i hope you have a wonderful day ahead of you!! (≧ω≦)ゞ

Tuesday, January 12, 2021

making progress

hello, fellow reader! welcome back to my blog where i dump my thoughts or whatever. i hope you have a quite wonderful day ahead of you :3

anyways, i'm just making a blog post to record my feelings and inner thoughts at the moment about my journey in the arts. i have to say, the experience right now is truly an eye opener for me.

starting off, i've been getting more involved in a site called "Battle of the Bits" which is, in my own words, a community full of talented people who partake in either arts or music. (maybe even both!) 

there's this event called a "One-Hour Battle" in which you would have to make something in an hour. (there's more to this, like the format and the restrictions) and god do i have to say that the people who partake in these events there are hella good! i really do need to step up my game if i even want to hold a candlelight to them~~

next.... is my main channel on youtube! i'm probs going to lean in on music-related content (like HOW TO's and SAMPLE FLIPS) considering i'm a musician hehe.

and yes, i'm very aware that my editing is subpar, the thumbnail looks dumb and my mic quality is quite shitty, but trust me when i say that it gets better!! 

i have several video ideas that are to come for this channel, but i don't want to reveal it in this blog as i'm afraid i won't actually bring them to fruition. (but if i do, let me tell you that it's a big surprise ;))

alrighty, i guess that marks the end of this blog post. thanks for reading and have a nice day!! ^.^

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making progress = february edition